Crossy Road Wiki
Lily Pads
Type Lane
Characteristics Serves as a solid platform

Lily Pads are a type of platform in Crossy Road. They act as a lane in a river without logs.


Lily pads look similar to real life lily pads, as they are green and they float on water. In the Korean Update, the lily pads are a light yellow-green color. Some lily pads are shaped like Mickey Mouse in order to acknowledge Disney Crossy Road.

Lily pad with coin

Interaction with the Mascot

Lily pads can only be seen floating on rivers. If the player steps on a lily pad it acts like a platform, just like logs. Lily pads don't move but slightly sink as the mascot jumps on it. It is important to note that if there is a lily pad there will not be floating logs in that lane. Coins can spawn on lily pads. Should the player be on a log and miss the lily pad they will go down the river rapids. If a player misses the lily pad they should jump back on another log.


  • Lilypads appear to spin very, very slowly.
  • Additionally, some may appear to be flipped.
  • Some lily pads are shaped like Mickey Mouse's head in order to celebrate the launch of Disney Crossy Road.
Vehicles Cars (Police CarRace Car) • Blue TruckGas TruckGreen TruckPickup TruckRed TruckTrainRocket TruckBlack Cab
Lanes RiversRoadsRailroadsGrasslands (SnowDesert)
Aquatic LogsLily Pads
Terrain BouldersTrees
Mascot Exclusives GravestonesAndroid Robot's ObstaclesPapparaziChickenMallardGiddy GoatFluffy SheepCowBig Fat PigThoroughbredScruffy DogGrey BunnyCapybaraPenguinKangarooWombatDrop BearAlligatorsGrave DiggerChinese New Year DecorationsBlack Man
Other CoinsEagle